Oct 22, 2021
Review: Burn For Me by Ilona Andrews (Spoiler-Free)
This is the second book for my video 'Reading Romance for the First Time'! Want my full thoughts? Check it out!

Oct 16, 2021
Review: Full Tilt by Emma Scott (Spoiler-Free)
This is the first book for my video 'Reading Romance for the First Time'! Want my full thoughts? Check it out!

Oct 11, 2021
Review: All These Bodies by Kendare Blake (Spoiler-Free)
Want my full thoughts? Check out my reading vlog for this book!! If not, that's cool too. Hear some of my abridged thoughts below. Do you...

Oct 9, 2021
Review: The Bronzed Beasts by Roshani Chokshi (Spoiler-Free)
It's rare for a series to peak at the second book, I feel like usually second books are the valley instead, but this series is definitely...