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Review: The Change by Kirsten Miller (Spoiler-Free)


~ Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for an early copy in exchange for an honest review! RELEASE DATE: MAY 3 ~

3.5 stars!

What in the Jeffrey Epstein...

I'm really conflicted with my rating for this one because I loved so much of this book, and I think it's going to definitely find a devoted audience. That being said, I think it was a little long for its liking. I didn't find myself truly engaged until the 45-50% mark, and that's too far in to wait in a nearly 500 page book.

But besides the fact that I found some of it to drag, THERE IS SO MUCH THAT I LOVED.

First of all, I really enjoyed reading about women/characters in general that weren't in their 20s or 30s. All of these women were at least in their 40s or much older and gained magical powers after reaching menopause. Is that not the coolest concept you've ever heard??

We follow three main characters, Jo, Harriett, and Nessa, and each of them have powers that complement each others' in a common goal: bringing justice to murdered girls they find in their Long Island town, Mattuak.

For me, the introductions of these characters were too long in the beginning, BUT once things got rolling and bodies were found and the thriller aspects started coming into play, I was hooked. One thing to note is that is definitely not a mystery. It is a fantasy/thriller, but at no point are you really left wondering about much—it's more just adrenaline from watching terrible things unfold. There are a few twists at the end of the book—one that I saw from the very beginning, but another that I totally did not (but should have!! smh emily you were slacking).

Overall, I found this feminist revenge fantasy/thriller very unique and fun, though it was sometimes bogged down by a little too much character exposition. I'd still definitely recommend this though if it at all interests you, and I hope we see more books following older characters in the future!


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