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  • ★★★★★-5

Review: Moriarty the Patriot, Vol. 2 by Ryōsuke Takeuchi (Spoiler-Alert)

You know, given the cover, I should have expected what was coming.

I thoroughly enjoyed volume one of this series, but didn't feel that 5 star thrill. I'd never felt that with a manga before, and that's why I started reading more of them, to see if I ever would. And I'll admit, this one might have an advantage as it's based on one of the best things ever created: Sherlock Holmes. But with that in mind, it also had some big expectations to live up to. And it did.

Again, based on the cover, I really should have realized what I was in store for. (Clearly I do not have the deductions skills I should at this point.) Anyway, the Noahtic arc in this book had me SCREAMING. I'm obsessed with this depiction of Sherlock and was throwing the book around in anticipation as I realized we were getting his first appearance. The way he's overheard from afar, impressing girls he doesn't care about (as usual), and then basically flirts his way in circles around Moriarty. DEAD. DECEASED. The way the artist drew him leaning backwards was soooooo Benedict Cumberbatch coded. Obsessed.

ALSO I WAS GIDDY WHEN WE MET MISS HUDSON AND JOHN!! I DIDN'T KNOW WE WERE GETTING THE JOHN WATSON IN THIS SERIES. For some reason I was under the impression from the first volume that this was all gonna be an early origin story of Moriarty and not involve the rest of the gang. BUT I'M SO HAPPY I WAS WRONG.

I've been waiting for a new Sherlock retelling to satisfy me ever since I finished the Charlotte Holmes series and I cannot wait to devour the rest of these volumes.

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