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Review: Dune by Frank Herbert (Spoiler-Free)


3.5 stars 'And the water which thou takest out of the river shall become water upon dry land.' So... yes it did take me nearly a month to read this massive book. Dune is a brick of a book, but it's definitely a brick full of meaningful ideas. I really enjoyed the first two parts of this book, but I found the third to be a lot harder to get through. When a book is this massive and has such a wide scope I find myself at a loss for words to properly encapsulate it in a review. I'd just like to say that if you aren't already very invested in classic science fiction, I don't think you really need to read this book, as I have quite high hopes and expectations for the upcoming movies. Denis Villeneuve has my utmost trust and his adaptations are a passion project, and I know he has digestibility in mind while making them. I'm so, so excited to see this on the big screen (only a year to go! lol), and I especially can't wait to see what Timothée does with the character of Paul.


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