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  • ★★★★-4

Review: A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green (Spoiler-Free)

Hank green really loves humans but also deeply fears them.

I honestly don't have too much to say about this book because I read it incredibly quickly and it encapsulates so many topics. I definitely enjoyed the first book better because it had a more intriguing premise and I tend to like the earlier books in series better than later ones when the world expands a lot.

I highly recommend the audiobook because 1. it has a great cast of narrators and production value and 2. includes an exclusive talk between Hank Green and Cory Doctorow on the themes of the book and their real-life parallels.

This book dived even deeper than the first on societal commentary regarding the internet, corporations, fame, etc. I found the conversations interesting, yes, but I was honestly more invested in plot than anything, so I think that's why I enjoyed the first one a bit more. That conversation at the end of the audiobook though did really enhance things.

Overall, this is a wild ride of a sci-fi duology and very relevant to so many modern societal disputes. I'm interested to see what Hank got right and what he got wrong in the future.


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