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Review: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas (Spoiler Alert)


** spoiler alert **

But no matter what I did, Elentiya, I want you to know that in the darkness of the past ten years, you were one of the bright lights for me. Do not let that light go out. 😭😭😭 So much sadness and angst tucked into the pages of this book. While the plot just wasn't quite as addictive as Throne of Glass, I still loved reading about the world of Erilea and all the people within it. Dorian really grew on me in this installment, which is interesting considering she moves on to Chaol lol. I like them both, but Dorian definitely gained character throughout this book. I will also greatly miss Nehemia (although maybe one day Celaena will encounter her again?) because of the great friend she truly was. Archer was quite horrible and I'm glad I didn't like him from the moment he stepped onto the page. For me, this book was 4 instead of 5 stars like the prior books because 1. the plot was less action-packed (but still plenty of it! just less) and 2. I basically already knew the ending (that she's Aelin) because everyone talks about this series and calls the main character Aelin... so yeah, it might have been predictable anyway, but it still would have been better not knowing. The stakes just seemed a little less high, but I think that will change in Heir of Fire. Can't wait to read it soon!!

Song I was reminded of while reading: Locked

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