Review: Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall (Minor Spoiler)
Well that was one heck of a journey. I'm not gonna lie, at the start of this book I was scared that I was going to be disappointed. I read a quote from it online that I loved and so I picked it up from my library immediately afterwards. However, once I started this book I didn't really like the voice of the narrator. Honestly, I found her to be a bit annoying. But then it hit me that maybe I was just reading her wrong. Maybe I was seeing myself in Norah so much that I was getting annoyed with how much she reminded me of myself. That's when I started the audiobook of this book, and it made everything amazing. The narrator Phoebe Strole does an amazing job at voicing Norah exactly how she was written to be. My "mind voice" just didn't get Norah, and so when I tried to read her dialogue it sounded weird in my head. But the audiobook fixed all of that for me and I began to truly love my experience with this book. I could relate to so many feelings that Norah expressed, and it felt good to see someone else besides me do all of the crazy things paranoia leads me to do. I also loved Luke so much.
At first I was wary of him, just like Norah was, and I didn't know if I could trust him to care for Norah in the ways that she needed. I didn't know if he could handle the commitment that she knows she is. I'm so glad that he could and hope that people like him actually do exist in the world. If not, that's what books are for right? haha
It's like my mind and my brain are two separate things, working against each other. That is one feeling that I never realized could properly be put into words, and yet, there it is. Thank you Louise Gornall for discovering that sentence and sharing it with those of us who needed it.
Song I was reminded of while reading: Good People