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Review: Daughter of the Siren Queen by Tricia Levenseller (Spoiler-Free)


"The sound of my knife slitting across a throat feels much too loud in the darkness." You know a book is going to be amazing when this is the first sentence. I think one of the reasons that I loved this book so much was that I started reading it, but had to put it down to read a different book which I ended up HATING, and then this one was just sooooo much better in comparison XD. Of course, that is not the only reason I loved this book, so here are the many other ones: Tricia Levenseller knows how to make a great character. Seriously. Let me just write out a quick list for ya: -Alosa= AWESOME. She is remorseless, but not heartless, and her cold heart is explained to have originated from her siren side. She is also a main character who knows what is best for her crew, and does everything in her power to save it. Alosa can make mistakes, but she is far from stupid, and I think her character growth from the first book to the second was remarkable. -Riden= AMAZING. He is the opposite of the annoying love interests from many YA books (yeah I'm talking about you Adam Kent). One of my least favorite scenes that occurs in many YA books is when the love interest (or both partners of the couple) get mad at each other because of poor communication or because of a mistake and an "I told you so". Thankfully, Ms. Levenseller did not fall into this trap, and was kind enough to create Riden, a sensible human being. Here is an example of Riden being great: (view spoiler) -Niridia= LOYAL. Niridia is the perfect example of an amazing best friend, and in this case, first mate. And while Alosa and Niridia are best friends, Naridia knows exactly when Alosa is her friend, and when she is her captain. Also, while their friendship is amazing, it is not perfect because no friendship can be truly perfect, and they get into a couple arguments which only end up furthering their friendship once they apologize. -Sorinda= RUTHLESS. Sorinda follows orders to the T and would never question her captain. She also provides funny commentary as Kearan ogles over her XD. -Kearan= DETERMINED. Kearan's "unrequited" crush on Sorinda drives him to finally get over is alcoholism, and he changes so much as a character from the first book into this one. -Mandsy= FOCUSED. Mandsy is the backbone of the crew, without her everyone would probably be dead. She knows that she will have to induce a little pain in order to heal her crew members, and she still does what she has to do. -Wallov= CARING. Always prioritizes his daughter first. -Roslyn= DRIVEN. Said daughter. She will fight for the crew one day, even if she is only six. -Enwen= ADORABLE. Enwen makes every situation hilarious, as you can always find him annoying someone with his superstitions. -Ava-Lee= MYSTERIOUS. A character that we don't know too much about, but we do know that she will do anything to protect her daughter, Alosa. -Kalligan= DESPICABLE. I think that's enough said. What else would you expect from the pirate king? The fact that I can say this much about every character amazes me because I'm generally not someone who loves reading about characters, so that really shows me how much I loved this book. Of course, the plot was not lacking at all,but since this was a second book I didn't think that I should say much about the plot in my review because anyone who read the first one most likely just wants to dive right into the sequel (See what I did there?) All in all, I LOVED this book and I cannot wait to read more of Ms. Levenseller's work when it is published. P.S. I posted a picture of this duology on my bookstagram and the author liked it! AH! Thank you!!

Song I was reminded of while reading: Teen Wolf Main Theme

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