Review: A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab (Spoiler-Free)
I am deceased. That was probably the best concluding novel to a series that I have ever read. While this did take me AGES to read, it was not because I was bored, or that it was too long. It was only because I am currently in the middle of a LOT of school work and midterm exams, so I didn't have enough time to read, no matter how much I wanted to. I'm going to keep this brief because it is the last book in the series, but I will say that if you are about to start this book, be prepared to be physically sweating while reading it because the stakes are just that high. Also, the ending wraps up every little loose thread and it was amazing. Agh I cannot believe that this series is over! "'Love and loss,' he said, 'are like a ship and the sea. They rise together. The more we love, the more we have to lose. But the only way to avoid loss is to avoid love. And what a sad world that would be.'" - V.E. Schwab (A Conjuring of Light)
Song I was reminded of while reading: River (Bishop Briggs)