Review: Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor (Spoiler-Free)
I'm prefacing this review by saying that I have read this book in one sitting on two separate occasions. That is how much I love it. I absolutely adore the Daughter of Smoke & Bone Trilogy as well, but this book is on a whole other level. If you never plan on reading the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy, but somehow manage to see this review, please consider giving this beauty a try! Trust me, you will NOT regret it.
To add on, the first time I read this I read it when it was only available as an e-book and I simply devoured it. But this time around I found the physical copy at Barnes & Noble and BY GOD IT IS GORGEOUS. THERE ARE ILLUSTRATIONS! AND UNDER THE DUST JACKET IT IS BEAUTIFUL ON BOTH SIDES. AND THE END PAGES ARE AMAZING. Whoops... I may have gotten a little carried away, but oh my god it is so pretty.
From here my review will be broken into my thoughts after reading the first time, but feel free to skip to my thoughts after reading the second time.
Thoughts after reading the first time:
After reading the first two books in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone Trilogy, I was instantly engaged in the story line of the two side characters Zuzana and Mik. I thought their love story was so cute and some of my favorite chapters were the ones about them. When I found out that this novella existed I was PSYCHED. Overall adorable, magical, and everything I needed to be prepared for Dreams of Gods & Monsters. “'I will do just as you wish,' said no cat ever.” - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets) The quote from above really captures the essence of the mood throughout this whole story. I found myself laughing along with the characters and related directly to their sense of humor. If you loved Zuzana and Mik in the first two books, you will love them even more in this one.
Thoughts after reading for the second time:
Last night I had an undeniable urge to reread this book. I have no idea why, but I simply could not resist. And man oh man was that a great idea. Here are just a few of my favorite quotes from this wonderful story. The book is broken down into perspectives from Zuzana and from Mik so I've separated the quotes like that as well.
"Me, sweep him off his feet? I know. The laws of the jungle and romance novels would have it the other way around, but I'm not going to wait one more second for that." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
"I am a rabid fairy. I am a carnivorous plant. I am Zuzana. And violin boy's not going to know what hit him." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
"It's my personal theory that only 27 percent of perceived confidence is actual confidence, and the rest is sham. The key is: If you can't tell the difference, there is no difference." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
"I don't know where she goes after work, but I imagine stars and mist and halls of mirrors, and I want to be there, too." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
"I want to be the guy in a movie who's, I don't know, out walking his rabbit on a leash (I don't have a rabbit) and knows exactly how to strike up a quirky, compelling conversation." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
"It's a treasure map. And the treasure? There she is, in the center of the page, the X-marks-the-spot. Zuzana is the treasure." - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
All in all, Zuzana and Mik are my favorite people ever. (Of course they're real.) And EVERYONE needs to read this book. Or no one so it can be mine forever... just kidding.
Song I was reminded of while reading: A Drop in the Ocean