Review: Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor (Spoiler-Free)
After reading the first two books in the Daughter of Smoke & Bone Trilogy, I was instantly engaged in the story line of the two side characters Zuzana and Mik. I thought their love story was so cute and some of my favorite chapters were the ones about them. When I found out that this novella existed I was PSYCHED. Overall adorable, magical, and everything I needed to be prepared for Dreams of Gods & Monsters.
“'I will do just as you wish,' said no cat ever.” - Laini Taylor (Night of Cake & Puppets)
The quote from above really captures the essence of the mood throughout this whole story. I found myself laughing along with the characters and related directly to their sense of humor. If you loved Zuzana and Mik in the first two books, you will love them even more in this one.
Song I was reminded of while reading: Perfect Together