Update: One Day: The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary 24 Hours in America by Gene Weingarten
Thank you to Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Random House, for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. DNF @ 28%. I really hate to say it, but I had to put this down. The idea was so great, but the execution was lacking. At first, I was really enjoying the writing, as it discussed a lot of topics that I'm currently learning about in school and I found that to be especially engaging. However, once that part ended I was left with disappointment. Each story became more boring than the previous (the first one was very strong), and while I applaud the author for putting as much time and effort into this book as he did, I don't applaud him for the oversexualized descriptions of women and some of the commentary against the validity of cultural appropriation. After both of those offenses, I decided that I couldn't continue. It's truly a shame, as I was very excited about the release of this book. You win some, you lose some, I suppose.
RELEASE DATE: October 22, 2019