Review: The Hostile Hospital by Lemony Snicket (Spoiler-Alert)
I don't have too much to say about this installment of these books other than it was amazing, but so are all the rest. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for the Baudelaire orphans and the series of unfortunate events that they go through. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about V.F.D. and Beatrice's and Lemony's connections to everything (Esmé and her sugar bowl). This is also the first time that the siblings ever had to split up, and I loved seeing the character growth in Violet and Klaus in the end when they all decided to jump together after the experience of what happened with the cranioectomy. I've already watched the first episode of this book in the Netflix series, and I love the similarities, and the subtle differences between the two. I can't wait to watch the next one! P.S. this installment was definitely the darkest one yet! I was legitimately afraid during some parts lol, and it's supposed to be a kid's book.